Solar Eclipse

July 11, 1991 Solar Eclipse

CVAS members travelled to San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico to view the Solar Eclipse. Our site offered us 6 minutes and 20 seconds of totality. A tour bus travelled to center line early eclipse morning to grab an extra 30 seconds of totality. We stayed behind, later learning that the center line site was clouded over for a significan portion of totality.

Below are 6 photos from Steve Fishman taken with a 3 1/2" Questar and a full aperature solar filter. The Questar belonged to another member, Don Himes, who could not take time off for the eclipse. All 5 eclipse photos were taken with an Olympus OM-1 body. The first photo was taken with Fujichrome 100 slide film about 30 seconds after totality started. The horseheard shaped prominence was a superb sight in the camera viewfinder. The remaining 4 eclipse photos were taken with Ektar 100 print film during the last half of totality. During that time, the moon moved over the suns disk where most of the "horsehead" became covered. The last photo shows the famous "diamond ring" effect where the first moments of sun begin to peek around the moon's edge

1/250th of a second.

1/250th of a second.

1/60th of a second

1/8th of a second

1/60th of a second

Eclipse aftermath. Club members Kim and Dan talk with Carol (a Californian we met at Cabo), as Doug packs up his equipment. The trusty Questar with an array of photographic supplies appears in the foreground.

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Updated July 24, 1997