The November through April meetings are held on the 1st Sunday of each month. Meetings begin at 3 PM, but members are available 1 hour earlier for meeting with prospective members or anyone who wishes to discuss astronomy with us.
Following is the meeting schedule for the next several months:
Club members help host the May 10, 1994 annular solar eclipse at Penitentary Glen. In the foreground is Andy Winzers former 18 inch Dobsonian reflector. Since then, Andy has built a 22 inch Dob and sold the 18 to fellow club member Lester Pratt.
CVAS works with the local park districts including Lake County Metroparks, various schools and scout groups by hosting star parties at Indian Hill Observatory and just about anywhere a group requests us. We also host an annual convention at Indian Hill and participate in conventions with other Northeast Ohio groups.
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Updated December 10, 2001