CVAS Log Book
In 1987, we started a log book at the observatory to record a history
of building construction/updates, weather conditions, club events/conventions
and objects observed. It's fun to look back at earlier years when many
objects we looked at are relatively bright and well-known. Today, member
telescopes of 20 and 22 inches are used to observe much fainter objects.
Below is a synopsis of recent CVAS activities, including new highlights
of observing sessions. We'll keep this list updated at least once per month.
November 2001
- November 23, 2001. Star party for a couple of kids and their teacher from St. Mary's school in Painesville. Unusually warm weather and clear skies provided a couple hours of good observing. Most notable part of the evening is Marty's upgrade of the telescopes drive system. It is now setup as a Goto telescope. While some kinks need to be worked out, this is another significant upgrade for our observatory.
- Morning of November 18, 2001. About 20 members and public show up in the early morning to observe the Leonid meteor shower. An "awsome" event as described by all who attended.
Even more awesome for Northeast Ohio as November is one of our cloudier months. It was also clear for the November 5 aurora, which was an unsheduled event, but was also
observed by many members.
- November 3, 10 and 17, 2001. Work sessions to clear out the woods and expand the parking lot.
September 2001
- September 22, 2001. 60 guests and 15 members show up for a very clear night of observing at Nassau observatory.
- September 1, 2001. I guess you can call it an informal dedication of the expanded parking lot. 1 year after starting the project, we were able to park a few vehicles in the new parking area for the September business meeting. About 20 members showed up on avery nice evening. Too bad the full moon was out. An Astrovid and monitor were used to observe M13 and a couple other objects. We also saw a couple of bright Iridium satellites before calling it an early evening.
August 2001
- August 24, 2001. 77 people attend a hazy night at Nassau Observatory. The first quarter moon, mars and a few deep sky objects are observed.
- August 14, 2001. Major work session at Indian Hill. We hired an excavator to pull out the stumps, grade the land and lay new culvert pipes in the new parking lot. 40 tons of gravel have also been spread on the site. Our parking lot is now 50% larger.
Thanks to the many members who contributed their time over the last year and a half by surveying, chopping trees and burning brush.
- August 11, 2001. Super Star Party at Penitentary Glen. Ah, Northeast Ohio. It was a very nice mostly clear day, which bode well for a good turnout for the evening. At least 900 people turned up to ride the model trains, do night hikes, listen to a NASA Glenn speaker talk about the International Space Station and various other arts/crafts activities. The Park District also presented a plaque to CVAS officers in thanks for 20 years of assisting the park in providing this public service. According to Park personnel, astronomy nights at the park draw the largest crowds. All went well, except that the clouds rolled in at sunset. The clouds could not dampen the spirits of all who attended including many non-members who brought their own scopes. The evening was a success.
Many thanks to club member Joe Petrick who brought his outstanding CCD photographs of planets and deep-sky objects. They were placed right at the entrance to the park building where all 900 attendees could at least observe many favorite objects, if not through a telescope that evening. Thanks also goes to club member Jim Szorady who raffled off his Sky Window, a combination mirror, binocular and tripod that takes the pain out of using binoculars for astronomical observing. And, congratulations to club member Steve Kainec for winning it.
- August 4, 2001. The monthly meeting was preceeded by the last burning of the brush. We are now ready for the bulldozer to pull out the tree stumps, level the parking loat and gravel it over. After the meeting, we observed Mars with the 16 inch and saw a pass of the Internation Space Station and a couple of Iridium satellites. A full moon prevented any deep sky observing, so we called it an early night.
July 2001
June 2001
- June 16, 2001. About 100 people attend a very good night at Nassau Observatory.
- June 23, 2001. 40 people from various northeast Ohio clubs attend the OTAA convention at Indian Hill. It was a dewey night, but observing was accomplished before the rain hit at 3 AM. John Gorka was awarded the George Deidrich award for his light pollution efforts in northeast Ohio. John was key in convincing Chester Township in enacting a lighting ordinance. Since its passage, most street lighting in Chester has been converted to full cut-off. John has also approached other northeast Ohio cities, townships and villages with similar lighting proposals.
May 2001
- May 5, 2001. CVAS Meeting and observing with 10 children from the local community.
- May 12, 2001. Observing session at Indian Hill with 15 students from an Ashtabula city school.
- May 19, 2001. About 100 people attend a very good night at Nassau Observatory. A couple of Iridium flares were observed between 11:18 and 11:28.
April 2001
- April 29, 2001. Work session at Indian Hill. The September 2000 trees that we cut down were cut into firewood today. A debate followed on how we'll prepare the land with parking, driveway and access to the top of the hill.
- April 28, 2001. Private star party at Indian Hill for 20 home schoolers in the Huntsburg area. Pretty clear night.
- April 21, 2001. It was cloudy for most of the evening at the Penitentary Glen star party. But, it cleared up enough to view the International Space Station flyby and do some deep-sky obesrving. About 150 people showed up to observe with us, listen to a NASA speaker from the local Glenn Research Center and get unobstructed views in the inflatible planetarium.
March 2001
- March 24, 2001. At our April 1 meeting, one member reported that it was clear at Indian Hill for the Messier Marathon. But, it was cloudy closer to Cleveland where most members lived, so no one went out to observe at the Hill.
February 2001
- February 16-17, 2001. Curses, foiled again!!!!. Clouded out for the Rookery star party. Almost had a shot at Saturday as it was partly cloudy during the day.
December 2000
- December 9, 2000. The annual Christmas party was held at Steve Kainec's house.
November 2000
- November 20, 2000. There was a light turnout at the Chagrin Falls Library as a result of cold, light snow and clouds. President Bob Modic gave a slide show of solar system and galactic objects.
- November 5, 2000. A milestone in CVAS history. We have received our tax-exempt status from the IRS.
October 2000
- 2 Weekends in October 2000. Various CVAS members start clearing the land to prepare the new parking lot and observing field.
- October 27, 2000. A pretty good night of aurora observing. We expected to spend most of the time with deep-sky and planetary observing. However, the northern lights started about 8:30 PM local time and lasted past midnight. Nice pink/red color and many spikes and curtains rising halfway up the northern horizon.
- October 20, 2000. Over 140 people attend a great evening of observing at Ridgeview Farm in Middlefield.
- October 20, 2000. 20 home schoolers attend a great evening of observing at our Indian Hill Observatory.
- October 7, 2000. Our last Saturday night monthly meeting at Indian Hill for this year and what a night; rain, sleet, snow, thunder and lightening. But no stars. Regardless, 50 parents and children from an Ashtabula school came out tonight to see the observatory.
September 2000
- September 29, 2000. A very pleasant and cool evening at Nassau observatory. About 70 people showed up under very clear skies to observe the late summer/early fall objects.
This evening made up for the prior rainy weekend.
August 2000
- August 5, 2000. After the monthly business meeting, CVAS opens the observatory
to an invitation only event for our Huntsburg neighbors. About 10 families
showed up to view the moon and few stars through mostly cloudy skies.
- August 11, 2000. Over 30 people show up for a "moths and meteors"
star party hosted by 4 CVAS members at the Geauga County Swine Creek Park.
- August 12, 2000. Over 600 people show up at Penitentary Glen for the Park's
Summer Star Party. While a nearly full moon drowns out the fainter deep
sky objects, the public is treated to excellent views of the moon (via
Don Hime's video setup), double stars and bright clusters. Several Perseid
meteors and satellites are also observed. A few CVAS members also report
seeing the excellent auroral display around 4 A.M. local time on the 12th.
- August 19, 2000. Another good night of observing at Nassau Observatory with 70 visitors. After a mostly cloudy day, the clouds finally cleared out by dark. The International Space Station, various other satellites and a few meteors were observed.
July 2000
- July 22, 2000. Bob Modic, Steve Fishman, John Soltis and Florida visitor
Paul Alexendar view Comet Linear at Indian Hill Observatory.
June 2000
June 3, 2000. OTAA convention at CVAS's Indian Hill Observatory. The day
looked pretty bleak, but the mostly cloudy skies cleared at dusk. John
Gorka and Larry Boros are recognized with the CVAS backbone award for their
efforts in the light pollution battle. Several communities in northeast
Ohio have passed lighting ordinances as a result of their persistent lobbying
and public education.
About 50 CVAS and other OTAA club members showed up for the convention
with a myriad of scopes; refractors, Dobsonians (up to 20 inches), various
computerized Meade and Celestrons and a new generation of binocular stand.
Mercury put on an excellent display as it hung a few degrees above a slim
crescent moon in the colorful evening dusk sky. On the other end of the
solar system, using our 16 inch scope's computerized drive, we easily found
and observed Pluto. Using one CVAS member's I-3 image-intensifying eyepiece,
we were able to observe excellent detail in the Cat's-Eye Nebula, NGC 6543,
a highlight for the evening. Various satellites, including some tumbling
ones that varied in brightness were also observed. The evening cooled considerably
as a mild dew covered the telescopes in observing field.
May 2000
May 5. 50 people join CVAS members, the Geauga Park District andCase Western University for a star party at the Nassau Observatory in Montville
Township. Skies are mostly clear, but hazy on this very warm evening. Highlight
observations of the evening include 2 Iridium satellites, the MIR space
station and various double stars and deep-sky objects. This is also the
day where 5 major planets are aligned in the evening sky. The world survives
this event.
The following evening, we hold the first summer meeting at
Indian Hill Observatory.
April 2000
April 15. Another succesful night for observing at Lake County's
Penitentary Glen as partly cloudy skies eventually cleared. 250 people
showed up to observe through 15 scopes brought by club members. The nearly
full moon lit up the landscape, preventing views of faint galaxies, clusters
and nebula. But, we observed the many lunar craters and seas, Mars, Saturn
and double stars. The International Space Station and and an Iridium satellite
also made impressive passes. Indoors, a NASA speaker, an inflatible planetarium
worked by member Jack Smith and an astrophotography exhibit by Don Himes
rounded out the evening.
March 2000
- March 31. About 20 members and guests show up on a mostly clear night for
a Messier Marathon.
Weekends during March 2000. Led by Larry Boros, the land surrounding Indian
Hill is surveyed and staked out. After 22 years of leasing the property
from the landowner, we are preparing to purchase 2 acres to insure a permanent
observatory and home for CVAS. Future plans include moving the driveway
to a new location, clearing land for additinal observing space and running
a separate power line to the observatory.
October 1999
October 30. 28 people from the Sam Wharram Nature Club are treated
to a slide show by President Bob Modic, then 2 hours of observing at the
Ashtabula campus of Kent State University. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and various
clusters are observed on a warm and clear evening.
October 7 Don and Marty experiment again with a borrowed Astrovid
camera. Don's note that evening are; "As plugged into a 9 inch TV/VCR combo,
the Adirondak Video product displayed remarkable images of Jupiter, Saturn
and faint stars through the 16 inch plus 2 inch Barlow. Through bouncy
seeing and sometimes brisk wind, Jupiter was facinating! The black and
white camera's forte' is CONTRAST as set by juggling the gain and shutter
speed. The great red spot was magnificent, and plenty of structure in the
belts revealed. Cassini's division in Saturn's rings was obvious at the
extensions. The shadow of the planet on the rings was seen, as were the
dark southern polar region. Marty and I watched as the generally good seeing
waved in and out. Efforts to grab frames were not successful at this moment."
October 2 Don, Steve, Bob and Dan display astrophotos and telescopes
at the Huntsburg Pumpkin Festival (a daytime event), which is a couple
of miles from Indian Hill Observatory. The Sun, Venus and the moon are
observed with an 8 inch Celestron. Venus is also sighted with the naked
eye in fairly clear skies.
Later that evening, the October meeting is held at Indian
Hill. Don and Marty experiment with another member's Astrovid camera attached
to the 16 and 8 inch scopes. Unfortunately, cloudy skies prevent any deep
sky observing. Stay tuned for more on this front as real-time video and
frame grabs are in our future.
September 1999
September 17. Another clear night for our final program at Nassau
Observatory. Over 100 guests attend to observe the moon, Mars and a few
of the brighter deep-sky objects. Another spectacular view of an Iridium
satellite is observed at 8:51.
100+ screaming kids and their parents from Gilmour Academyare shown similar objects at Lake Metroparks Farm Park. The same Iridium
satellite is also seen at this site, but being 20 miles to the west of
Nassau Observatory, the satellite is not as brilliant.
September 4. The roof is finally completed. Many thanks to members
who contributed to the effort, suffering through 90+ degree weekends. Dan,
Ian and Marty finished the job this day to prepared for the evening meeting.
Partly clear skies eventually clouded over by 10:30. An Iridium satellite
was spotted.
August 1999
August 14. About 75 people show up at Penitentary Glen. A full day
of rain and clouds leads to partially clear skies by 10 P.M. Once again,
the SL-16 rocket booster is observed.
August 7. Another work session at Indian Hill Observatory to do more
work on the roof. The roll roofing was finished and the flashing was partially
August 6. Another good night of observing at Nassau Observatory.
Over 90 people showed up shortly after the clouds cleared. As with the
July 10 event, 2 more Iridium satellites are spotted, with the first obtaining
at least a -8 magnitude. This is over 20 time brighter than Venus. We also
spotted a tumbling rocket booster, named SL-16, that ranged from just above
naked eye visibility to about 3rd magnitude.
July 1999
July 24-25. Work session to replace the roof on the observatorys'
warm-up room The old roof was torn off, plywood was installed and felt
was laid on the plywood. Roll roofing and flashing to be purchased and
installed in a later work session.
July 10. Excellent night of observing at Nassau Observatory. Over
110 people showed up, many with personal telescopes to receive instructions
on how to set up and find objects. The evening was highlighted to 2 sightings
of Iridium communication satellites. Sponsored by the Geauga Park District
and Case Western University. More information about Case's Robotic Observatory
can be found at The Robotic Telescope
June 1999
June 19. 10 people show up for a public night at the observatory.
Held in conjunction with Lake Metroparks.
June 12. OTAA convention at Indian Hill Observatory. Marti Niemi
is presented with the CVAS backbone award for his outstanding contributions
of upgrading the 16 inch telescope with computer controlled software
May 1999
May 1 First 1999 summer meeting at the observatory topped off by
another clear low humidity evening, the 6th in a row. While a full moon
blots out most deep sky objects, we observe the moon, Venus, Mars and a
few artificial satellites. Several visitors also attend the meeting.
May 21 50 people join CVAS members, the Geauga Park District and
Case Western University for a star party at the Nassau Observatory in Montville
Township. Skies are partly cloudy. Don Himes makes a valiant attempt to
photograph the lunar occultation of Regulus but is foiled by clouds 2 minutes
before the event.
April 1999
April 24 A succesful night for observing at Lake County's Penitentary
Glen. 245 people showed up to observe through 14 scopes brought by club
members. Aside from the obvious objects; Mars, Venus and the moon, someone
showed up with artificial satellite predictions. The space station and
several others were pointed out to the crowd. A NASA speaker and an inflatable
planetarium rounded out the evening.
April 18 It's spring clean up time. Several members showed up to
sweep out the observatory, continue demolition of an obsolete concrete
pier, tune up the telescope electronics and clean up the grounds.
October 1998
October 10. Fall Star Party at Penitentiary Glen. 150 people
showed up to mostly clear skies for views of Jupiter, Saturn double stars
and other bright objects. Guest speakers included a representative
from NASA Lewis Research Center and Sky Publishing cartoonist Jay Ryan.
September 1998
September 26. CVAS hosts an observing session at Nassau observatory
in conjunction with the Geauga Park District and Case Western Reserve University.
Wam and slightly hazy evening is enjoyed by 80 visitors. A favorable MIR
pass, Jupiter, Saturn and various deep sky objects are observed.
September 19. CVAS acquires an 8 inch Schmidt Newtonian telescope
at the Hidden Hollow convention. Well mount the scope to our 16 inch for
observing and photography.
September 12. Dan and Steve paint the observatory. Much more work
needs to be done to fix the roof and gutters.
August 1998
August 22. Summer star party at Penitentary Glen is mostly clouded out.
July 1998
July 17. Public observing session at Nassau Observatory in MontvilleTownship.
June 1998
June 20. OTAA Convention at Indian Hill Observatory. Mostly clear
night is topped off by an Iridium satellite sighting. This is the 35th
anniversary of CVAS and the 20th year that we've used the Indian Hill site.
May 1998
May 2. CVAS breaks with a 35 year tradition and holds its first Saturday
night meeting at the observatory. Saturday meetings to continue through
October. Mostly cloudy night, but the moon was observed for a half hour.
March 1998
March 27. A dozen boy scouts camp out at the observatory site and are given
a tour of the building. Very warm night (60+ degrees Fahrenheit) for March.
We observed double stars with the 16 inch scope.
January-February, 1998
No activity. What can I say, it's Northeast Ohio and perpetual cloudiness.
December 1997
December 13. Annual CVAS Christmas Party at Outback Steakhouse. Clouded
December 16. I normally don't document general observing, but when we have
a clear December night in Northeast Ohio, it's to be celebrated. Andy,
Lester and Steve spend a couple of hours at Russell Park. Saturn looked
pretty good with 4 moons visible. There is some excellent Saturn moon software
from Dan Bruton
Texas A&M University that shows moon locations for Saturn. There is
also Jupiter moon location software and links to other astronomy software.
October 1997
October 25. Fall Lunacy at Penitentary Glen. Typical northeast Ohio weather.
I left my house, located in southeast Cuyahoga county, under totally overcast
skies. It's partly to mostly cloudy at the park, which is located about
5 miles south of Lake Erie. Looks like the lake helped clear us out for
awhile. Only 30 people showed up, because of the Cleveland Indians being
in the World Series. Nevertheless, another successful event thanks to a
NASA Lewis Research speaker and clear skies.
September 1997
Beautiful September 18 night at the Middlefield library. Bob and Dan entertain
about 40 people.
September 25. Another successful night at Nassau Observatory. 80 people
show up to view hrrough Case's 36 inch reflector and several club telescopes.
August 1997
It's been a slow month for CVAS. Don and Kim Himes traveled to the Stellafane
Telescope making convention in Springfiield Vermont with both daughters
in tow. The Stellafane group offers a prize for the family who brings the
youngest attendee. Five years ago, Don and Kim brought their 4 month old
Diana Mariah, who lost by 2 months. This year, their 5 month old daughter
Rayna Ann is also bested by a younger attendee. The following week, Don
reports tremendous observations of Jupiter back home in Chagrin Falls.
- The Perseid meteor shower is clouded out (typical northeast Ohio weather).
July 1997
July 18. In conjunction with Lake County Metroparks, 20 guests visit Indian
Hill Observatory. Mercury and Venus are spotted before clouds slowly take
cover the sky. An immature bald eagle was spotted before sunset.
June 1997
June 28. Convention at Indian Hill. Don Himes presents excellent picturesof Hale-Bopp in his "How Not to Photograph a Comet" talk. Keynote speaker
Bob Modic is rescued from the Chardon McDonalds after his brakes lock.
He arrives just in time to deliver his presentation about building his
20 inch dobsonian telescope. One of the highlights of the evening is observing
the sky with an image intensifier. This device, brought by a CVAS member,
brightens objects by 20,000 times. Unfortunately, it also highlights the
partly cloudy conditions that affected our observing for most of the night.
June 6. Public observing session at Indian Hill Observatory. In conjunction
with Lake County Metropark. Andy, Earl, Mark Pete and Steve show the observatory
to 20 visitors. Mostly cloudy skies limit viewing to Mars and a few bright
May 1997
May 30. Open house at Nassau Observatory in conjunction with Geauga Park
Districit and Case Western Reserve University washed out. (Sigh).
April 1997
April 2. Bob Modic helps out at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
Over 700 people observe Hale-Bopp in mostly clear skies.
April 5. CVAS hosts a Hale-Bopp observing night at the Lake Farmpark. It's
mostly cloudy, but we did glimpse the comet and Mars. Even with the poor
weather prospects, about 500 people showed up. Don Himes gave a Hale-Bopp
slide presentation, Farmpark naturalists used the inflatable Starlab planetarium
for 15 minute presentations while several member scopes were set up to
observe through broken clouds.
April 6. Another public presentation at Geauga County's Swine Creek Park
for 50 people. Heavy winds bring in brief rain but the comet is successfully
observed for several minutes.
April 19. CVAS members Andy, Bob and Steve assist the Cleveland Museum
of Natural History in showing Hale-Bopp to 400 people. While the Museum,
located about 4 miles east of downtown Cleveland, is moderately affected
by the glow from street lights, the comet looks pretty good with binoculars.
April 25. A refreshing and comfortable night at Indian Hill Observatory.
The object of the evening in Andy's 22 inch scope are the 16th magnitude
twin Quasars Q0957+561 in Ursa Major. A large foreground galaxy is bending
the light from this far distant object into 2 separate images. Not much
detail was seen, but the challenge of finding it was worth the effort.
Additional information about this object and the "lensing effiect" can
be found on Page 433 of the October 1991 issue of Sky and Telescope.
March 1997 - Mostly Hale Bopp Activity
March 9. In response to threatening skies, Andy and Mark repeat their February
9 performance to observe Hale-Bopp. This time, it's a 120 mile run south
to Salt Fork State Park. Fortunately for the rest of us, skies cleared
about 2 A.M. and several CVAS members scattered to various dark-sky sites
in the countryside east of Cleveland.
March 26. Program for 150 students and parents at the Orange and Pepper
Pike schools. Hale-Bopp and Mars are observed. The portable/inflatable
Starlab is used to show constellations to the kids. The Museum of Natural
History, with a 9 inch Refractor, was also open to the public. Earl shows
up to help with the over 400 public that attended.
Late March. OUT DARN CLOUDS, OUT. Foiled by persistent
cloud cover, several members decide on desperate action to observe and
photograph the comet. We've had a couple of clear mornings and evenings,
however, several evening attempts were clouded out early. In response,
hard core members run away from home:
Dan and Steve take the cheap route by driving 480 miles from Cleveland
to Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area in north central Tennesse.
Hale-Bopp is observed the first evening through thick haze, which turns
into strong rains after 1 hour. The second and third days bring them excellent
weather and observing conditions. See our Hale-Bopp
page for examples of photos taken during the trip. We leave just as
hunters storm in for turkey hunting season.
Mark, Andy and Denny take the more expensive alternative by flying to
New Mexico. They spent their days traveling to famous natural and astronomical
sites and observed the comet at night. Three of Mark's pictures are now
on-line at our Hale-Bopp page. All travelers
observed the zodiacal light.
February 1997
February 9. Desperate for clear skies, CVAS members Andrew Winzer and Mark
Pogany drove 120 miles west from Cleveland to escape persistent clouds
enshrouding Northeastern Ohio. Comet Hale Bopp was observed from the Kane
Observatory, a private site run by the Northwestern Ohio Visual Astronomers
near Grand Rapids, Ohio. The comet was seen at 9:15 UT sporting a naked
eye tail two degrees long and a brilliant coma. Views through Andy's 22"
f/4.5 showed intense activity near an egg shaped nuclear region. Four jets
spouted off the nucleus and streamed backwards toward the tail. An obvious
shadow was seen behind the brightest central portion of the comet's center.
Mark took several photos with his home grown barn door drive before rapidly
advancing clouds overtook the sky. Many thanks to N.W. Ohio Visual Astronomers
members Will and Frank for hosting us.
February 20. Congratulations to Don and Kim Himes for the newest addition
to their family and our membership. Rayna Ann joins the family along with
her older sister Diana Mariah. Don and Kim observe comet Hale-Bopp during
their drive to the hospital that morning. Another star baby is born.
January 1997
Week of January 13. Northeast Ohio weather is notoriously cloudy from November
through February. Early in the week, clear evening weather raised our hopes
for viewing Comet Hale-Bopp. Lake effect clouds ended up rolling in and
spoiled most viewing. Bob and Steve glimpse the comet on a couple of mornings
under marginal conditions.
Sunday, January 19. Six members (Andy, Bob, Dan, Lester, Mark and Steve)
make a run out to LaDue Reservoir as the temperature drops to -12 degrees
Fahrenheit. Best view of the comet from Cleveland since it's reappeared
in the morning sky. The comet was oblong is shape, had a bright central
nucleus and at least a 1 degree fan shaped tail running to the northwest.
Don observed the comet from his Chagrin Falls house reporting that
the comet was distinctly visible with direct vision to the naked eye for
the first time.
Thursday January 30, 1997 Harmon Middle School in Aurora, Ohio. Science
Fair for the Elementary and Middle school students. Kim, Don and Steve
kept the kids entertained inside while Lester showed off his 18 inch Dobsonian
to passersby under cloudy skies.
Indian Hill Observatory
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Updated November 25, 2001