Indian Hill Observatory

Indian Hill Observatory is home to The Chagrin Valley Astronomical Society's 16" Telescope and a 14" Dobsonian. Both are used for public presentations. The Obervatory, completed in 1983, is located in Huntsburg Township Ohio at 41 degrees 32.6 minutes north latitude and 81 degrees 4.8 minutes west longitude. There are regular public nights through out the year to educate the public about astronomy. Click here for a brief photo history of Indian Hill Observatory.

There are 23 photos, most under 10K. Please be patient while they load as they are worth the wait

CVAS was founded in 1963 by a couple of 12 year old Chagrin Falls teens. Their intense interest and passion for astronomy eventually resulted in full-time positions with The Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. The Society currently has 40 members with interests in deep-sky observing really faint objects, estimating variable star brightness, observing grazing occultations, eclipse chasing, photography and telescope building.

Our greatest accomplishment was building Indian Hill Observatory. Thanks to Keith Richards of Huntsburg Township for allowing us the use of his land for this project. Observatory construction began in May 1978. While major work was completed in 1981, the building has been upgraded over the years with electricity, phone, an 8 inch Schmidt camera and computer controlled guiding. Another major project during the 2000/2001 period is raising funds to purchase 2 acres of the property and upgrade the parking area.

Click on the map at left for a general overview of Indian Hill Observatory and our winter meeting location, Lake County Penitentary Glen. Mapping software courtesy of Delorme's Street Atlas.

Click here for a detailed map to the observatory.

And, click here for a detailed map to Penitentary Glen.

Individuals or groups who wish to visit Indian Hill Observatory and observe with us can contact me at or Bob at If you want to take your chances on a clear moonless weekend (usually Friday and Saturday nights), call the Observatory at 440.636.5789.

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Updated October 9, 2000