Looking at the original list of objects, it can be seen that the un-observation of many of the objects, such as IC 59, IC 63 and IC 342 were probably a result of poor sky conditions and the lack of skill on my behalf. I have no doubt that my observing abilities have become a lot better with just practicing. Also, the careful observation of the sky conditions can help decide whether the time spent trying to observe some "threshold" object will be well spent or not. As mentioned in the article, many of the objects can be seen with little or no difficulty with smaller instruments, along with the proper nebular filter. Many people have seen the California nebula with
binoculars from a really dark site.
As for the faint Abell planetary nebulae, it appears that dark sky conditions along with the largest aperture available are the key to viewing these challenging objects. Most of the objects that were border line in the 18-inch were verified using the 22-inch. Also, as mentioned above, many became visible for the first time with the 22-inch. But, there are also at least a half dozen Abell objects that can be observed using an 8 or 10-inch telescope under proper conditions.