Jim Brownfield's Photos

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NGC 2237. The Rosette Nebula in the constellation Monoceros. This object is larger than the moon, which makes it easier to obseve with binoculars. The Horsehead Nebula. Very faint, but can be readily seen with a 16 inch telescope, nebula filter and very clear skies. NGC 1499. The California Nebula requires a dark sky and nebular filter to spot this object.

M8 The Lagoon Nebula in the constellation Sagittarius. M42 - The Great Orion Nebula. The Hubble Space Telescope has photographed stars forming in the center of this object. NGC 7635 - The Bubble Nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia.

M33 The Pinwheel Galaxy is located about 14 degrees from it's more prominent neighbor, M31. M31 - The Great Galaxy in Andromeda. The most distant object that can be observed with the naked eye. M81 and M82. A fine pair of galaxies located near the Big Dipper. This photo also has 2 other neighboring galaxies near the lower right and left corners.

The Omega Globular Cluster is located in the constellation Centaurus. It is very low in ht sky for northern hemisphere observers. Jim took this photograph in southern Texas where it appears much higher in the sky. This is a black and white version. A color version of the Omega Globular Cluster.Another color version of the Omega.

M45. The Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters. M46 is a rich open star cluster. The bright red object near the center is NGC 2438, a planetary nebula. NGC 2438 is not a part of M46 and just happens to be in the same line of sight as the star cluster. NGC 281 is very faint to the naked eye, but is a pretty impressive photographic object in the constellation Cassiopeia.
The Lagoon and Trifid nebulae. Photographed by Jim in a March 2001 trip to Southwest Texas. He used a 5 inch f/6 refractor and 45 minute exposure. The "Snake" nebula. Also photographed by Jim during that March 2001 trip.

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Updated April 2, 2001